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Baby&Me Yoga

Regain strength, flexibility and bond with your baby on the outside, by incorporating infant massage, all while connecting with other parents, in Liza's gentle Hatha classes.  Ease your way into parenthood; ease your way back into your new postpartum body.  Suitable for pre-crawling babies.  Distractions by the babies are expected during this unique yoga class -- breaks for feedings or soothing are completely encouraged!  All yoga levels welcome. 

Any caregiver welcome to attend with baby.


Thursdays, 11:30am - 12:30pm

Mount Pleasant Community Centre:

Summer 2024

I: June 13 - 27 

II: July 11 - Aug. 22 

   (NO CLASS Aug. 8)

Registration is open!  

Fall 2024

I: Sept. 12 - Oct. 24 (7wks)

II: Nov. 7 - Dec. 19 (7wks)

Registration opens Aug. 15, 7pm.  

See below for how to register, or come drop-in.

Please visit for direct registration links.




$19/drop-in (space permitting)


Mount Pleasant Community Centre

1 Kingsway / Vancouver, BC

(604) 257-3080 (press 1)

Offered by Liza

Phone: 604-356-7702


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“I took my 7 week old son to Baby&Me Yoga. The first session was such a circus. He pooped. He cried. He nursed. He vomited on me. It was not Yoga, it was a comedy show. I would have not showed up again if I had not registered for the whole series, but then week by week it got better. Now 2 months later both my son and I enjoy it. He giggles for an hour and checks out other mothers and babies. He still poops though! It is a very relaxing experience!! Baby&Me is such a friendly and safe way to get out, on my own, and go back to society with my baby without worrying about what's going to happen. I learned to manage all situations in public at a Yoga class!"


"As a new mum to an 8 week old baby girl, I rolled into Liza's Baby&Me yoga class exhausted, possibly covered in baby excrement and not quite sure I liked my daughter all too much. Over the next 4 months of classes, not only did I find my core again (yay!), I was able to bond with my daughter and become a more confident mother. Liza cultivates an environment of support and acceptance in her classes - come as you are,  take time for what you and your baby need,  and learn to accept and respect the amazing body which brought your child into the world. I am sad our time in her classes has come to an end but am so grateful for the yoga and community I found through classes with Liza. I highly recommend this class for all new mums and will most certainly seek out Liza if we are lucky enough to have another baby."   

“If you offered these classes every day, we would come!”


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